Ray Ban Meta AI Smart Glasses - Unboxing - Setup - Initial Thoughts

I have been using camera glasses of some sort since the beginning with my www.ReplicaAirguns.com channel, starting off with actual ski type goggles that had a built in camera which was not ideal as they were super bulky. I did eventually get some camera glasses that where actual glasses and looked more or less like oversized sunglasses without the dark lenses but they where a big improvement over the ski goggles I was using. For the past 2-3 years I have been using my iVue Vista Camera Glasses for making these videos and they have worked pretty well for the most part but none of the camera glasses I have used in the past have any type of image stabilization which does make for some erratic video head movement.
So when I came across the Ray Ban Meta AI Smart Glasses, which I quickly learned and saw had some decent stabilization in them I thought maybe it's time to upgrade my camera glasses. The Ray Ban Meta AI Smart Glasses also do a lot more than typical Camera glasses. Not only do they have a stabilized 12mp camera with 1080p+ resolution, the Ray Ban Meta AI Smart Glasses has some very good audio for recording and hearing with a 5 mic setup and some actual usable in arm speakers. On top of the superior audio, the Ray Ban Meta's have "Hey Meta" which is like Siri or Google Assistant but it can also tap into Meta AI and do even more in terms of voice commands. You will even be able to look at something and ask Meta what you are looking at and Meta will tell you all about it.
I do hope to use the Ray Ban Meta AI Smart Glasses for a lot more than when I do my Replica Airguns Shooting Videos, I hope to use them for more spontaneous video recording on my www.GetFitOver40.com channel since they are super easy to use and you always have them ready to record.
I did order the Sunglass version but regretted it almost immediately, and so I have ordered the transitions lens version so I can use my Ray Ban Meta's both inside and out. The other negative feature for me is that the video camera records in portrait mode only and for only up to 1 minute in length. I do think I can work with this limitation as the video quality is good enough to allow for zooming and cropping when need be, and I should be able to work around the 1 minute recording time limitation by recording more selectively and simply starting another 1 min video when I need for additional time.
In this Ray Ban Meta AI Smart Glasses video, watch me Unbox, Setup and record some initial videos. I also talk a bit about why I got them and what my initial thoughts are after checking them out.