Get Fit Over 40 Update Video - My Body is Breaking Down

Another Update Video for you, I while back I was perhaps being a bit overconfident when I said that I was feeling pretty good and my body seemed to be holding out, even with the extra strain of the Crossfit I was putting on it... Well that didn't last long, it seems that I have been plagued with a bunch of annoying small injuries or pains that are persistently sticking with me even when trying to give them some rest.
I think some of it is the extra yard work I have been doing which when combined with all the other exercise I am doing at the same time maybe took things over the top. I have been suffering with pain in my right knee and right arch of my foot and also carpal tunnel in both my hands but more so with my left, so much so that tow of my fingers are staying numb all the time which kind of worries me :(
I have setup an appointment with a Kinesiologist that was highly recommended to me from my Crossfit trainer, they break me and he fixes me, nice scam they have going on here ;) I will let you know how my appointment goes...