In this video I take a ride on my EUC and talk about how things are going now that I am 2 month post operation. All in all I am feeling good, and as you can see in this video I am back to riding my EUC (Electric Unicycle). I am being pretty careful on it not trying to do anything crazy!
Life is a bit more complicated these days with all kinds of appointments and tests and calls related to my Heart condition which can make other things I want to get to a bit harder like getting my weight training in. At least at this point I need to limit my weight training a bit but I want to get more consistent with it for sure.
I also talk about TRT and how it relates to my Heart condition and what I am going through since TRT and the Heart and how it can be related good and bad benefits to the Heart so it really needs to be monitored properly by a knowledgeable doctor. I also talk about one of the drugs I am on called Entresto and my concerns with it. One concern which is the cost, I feel because of its high cost and profitability, how it is promoted over other less expensive drugs that may be as effective but less profitable for "Big Pharma" at the end of the day...
It's another New Year and to kick it off I made a quick video while riding on my EUC (Electric Unicycle) while wearing my Camera Glasses so the video is a little bit shaking so be warned... When I am a little bit more confident I will use my Insta360 camera which is way more stable and allows me to view everything in full 360 degrees.
Getting back to the main content of this video, well the title kind of already gives you a heads up but I talk about my New EUC (Electric Unicycle) and why I am already upgrading from my recent purchase of the Begode Tesla T3 which is an awesome EUC but I just couldn't pass on a deal I got for a fully upgraded and modded Begode EXN EUC. It's a bit of overkill for me right now but I have adjusted to its larger size and more power and when I am ready for what it can really do I will have the right unit for it.
I also talk about how I am now doing since my recent panic/anxiety attack and my goal to get off of all the medications. Long story short, no serious anxiety has returned so far and I a mostly off of a all the drugs other than a sleep aids.
In terms of moving forward and what I plan for the year? Well it's for sure not written in stone but I will be putting most of my focus on health and relationships. First step is to feel 100% again mentally and physically and that means finding a balance between gym life and life in general. We will have to see how things go, I will not be putting a lot of pressure on myself in the gym, that said the gym is a place I need in my life and that will not change. I'm just not going to be so hard on myself if I miss a workout or lose a bit of strength.
When you see someone ripping around on an EUC (Electric Unicycle) it looks pretty easy, the just lean forward a bit and glide away dipping side to side to turn left and right...
Well I am sorry to say it is not so simple. Yes the leaning forward and back part is 100% handled by the EUC but when it comes to the side to side it's all up to you and no riding a bike does not seem to help here. If you have ridden an actual Unicycle then I am sure the learning process of the EUC will be a lot easier but I think most of us have little to no experience on a pedal based Unicycle.
This video represents day three of the learning process for me. My first steps to learning how to ride my Begode Tesla T3 EUC Electric Unicycle where at home in my kitchen where I simple held on to walls and stuff while I went back and forth against the wall and did some loops around the island. There was no real speed involved here and very little free wheeling.
My next main training session was going to my local artificial turf soccer field and learning how to get away from holding onto stuff. I figured this is a safe place since the ground is much softer than a road or parking lot (better for both me and the EUC) and I still had a nice fence all the way around to practice on at first before taking a leap of faith and ridding with no assistance. This session was fairly productive with me being able to ride around the field non-assisted for the most part without crashing and I was even able to make decent turns but I did not feel super confident, for sure not ready for any trails, sidewalks or open roads.
So now we get to this video which shows me at the same artificial turf soccer field but this time with the inclusion of snow! Probably not the best for learning on but maybe even softer if/when I fall :) Like before I pretty much just road around the field hoping to get more comfortable with riding in a straight line and also turning. And low and behold it did start to all come together a lot more than before, so much so that I took to the local trail even though it was covered in snow and did a nice loop with no falls or crashes!
Some basic suggestions that I feel helped me a lot while learning would be the following:
Go at your own pace and start off with simple wins like just standing on your EUC and going forward and back while holding onto a wall or person.
Progress to very short no assistance rides from one point to another even if it is only 5 or 6 feet at first. lengthen the distance as you get more confident.
Look where you want to go, maybe even a bit ahead, do not look at things you want to avoid or you will hit them for sure!
Keep your knees a bit bent and squeeze the EUC with your legs not too much but just enough to keep it stable.
When turning put most of your weight on your outside leg almost like you are riding on that leg all by itself.
Also when turning, make sure to keep a slight lean forward or you may stall in the turn, you need to keep your speed up in turns.
Well that's where I am at so far learning how to ride my new Begode Tesla T3 EUC Electric Unicycle. I look forward to being even more confident on it and taking it to the sidewalks and roads and using it as a sort of commuter vehicle for more local trips even though it can take me 70-80km on one charge if I need it.