3 Days Out Last Workout - Vancouver Open
Wednesday, July 3, 2024 at 6:16PM
Michael Kaye in Classic Physique, Fitness Contest, Mens Physique, Road to the Vancouver Open and Pro Qualifier, Strength, Vancouver Open, Video Requests, Vlog, Workout Journal, YouTube Video

As promised here is a workout video, now only 3 Days Out from the Vancouver Open. I do get requests to make workout videos and even though right now I am pretty tired in the gym, and the idea of having to setup a camera and make a point of recording workout videos is yet one more thing I have to add in to my day... That said I don't get this lean very often and having a video record of it is probably a good idea :)

So I did what I could, I again used my Insta360 GO2 Mini Camera as I can stick it just about anywhere as it has a magnetic mount setup. This way I did not have to mess around with a tripod and this was a lot less inconspicuous for sure.

Today was mainly an upper body focused workout and was my last scheduled workout before the show, so I did a quick 5-6 sets or so for Chest, Back, Shoulders and the added in a few extra accessory exercises for Traps, Abs and Calves, (Calves didn't get recorder). I did not go too hard as I don't want to get any inflammation before the show. Over the next couple of days I may do some exercises mainly just to get some blood flow into the muscles to help with Glycogen intake.

Article originally appeared on Get Fit Over 40 (http://www.getfitover40.com/).
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