Is There a Show in Store For Me Coming Up?
Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at 12:24PM
Michael Kaye in Classic Physique, Fitness Contest, Mens Physique, Road to the Vancouver Open and Pro Qualifier, Update, Vancouver International Pro Qualifier, Vancouver Open, Vlog, YouTube Video

So here we go again... I know I was saying that I was pretty sure there where not going to be anymore shows in my future. My goal for the last year and a bit has been first of all to survive, once that was accomplished I wanted to get back to a somewhat normal life and that too was achieved, then I proceeded to for the most part do everything I was doing before with my doctors AOK and I am doing almost all of it with the exception of competing in a Fitness Show. So why not check that one off the list?

My Cardiologist has given me the green light to get back to normal life and do whatever it is I want to do with no limitations (obviously don't do anything stupid that would be harmful to ones heart). I feel great and I am in pretty decent shape to proceed the prep portion of getting ready to do a show and since I am fairly lean and have an OK base of muscle I should not have to push myself too hard and stress my body out too much. If I feel at any point that I am overloading myself I will either shut it down or back off as needed.

My goal is to get to the stage and be as competitive as I can be but I have no aspirations of winning or even placing that well as I know I will be out gunned so to speak by most of the other competitors as I will not be supplementing what is required to be competitive in an open show like the ones I hope to enter. For me that would not be a good idea and my health is the most important objective going into this event.

Watch my full video where I do go into more details about the shows I plan to attend: (the Vancouver Open and the Vancouver International Pro Qualifier). I also talk about my TRT and my plans with my TRT for the contest prep as there will be some changes made during my contest prep and I want to be fully transparent with everyone about this.

Article originally appeared on Get Fit Over 40 (
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