1 Week Out Update Posing Video - Road to Vancouver Open
Sunday, June 30, 2024 at 12:10PM
Michael Kaye in Classic Physique, Conditioning, Fitness Contest, Mens Physique, Road to Recovery, Road to the Vancouver Open and Pro Qualifier, Update, Vlog, YouTube Video

I always feel like the last week before a show is when it really starts to get real for me. At this point I am either ready or things have not gone as planned and I am scrambling to try and make the best of a not so ideal prep that may have gone poorly either by lack of planning or my body did not cooperate. I do have to say that most of the time when things are not the way I want them to be, it was because my body was not on my side and that has been the case the last few shows. I was not aware my heart was in such poor condition and it could only do as much as it could do, and then it just could not keep up with the demand I was putting on it.

I am happy to say, I believe I am ready for this show and my body is finally on my side again which has made this prep so much easier this time around. By easy I mean I am getting back what put in to it, and that is all I can ask for. In terms of conditioning, I am really happy with where I am and only really need to lose a pond or two in the right places to dial in the conditioning the way I wanted it to be for this show. Size wise, I am not my biggest version or even close to it, but I don't mind giving up a bit of size for much better conditioning and my expectation for this show was to not be that big as my health is the focus. I have put on some muscle and the conditioning is helping to make the best of it.

So here we are one week out from the Vancouver Open Fitness Contest and I am ready to smash this week and do what ever it is I need to do to peak for the show. I have included some posing in this video so you can take a look for yourself and see exactly where I am at 1 week out.

Article originally appeared on Get Fit Over 40 (http://www.getfitover40.com/).
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