I have been flying my little GEPRC TinyGO 4k FPV Drone mostly in side in my sea can since the weather has not been so nice and I really need to get the basics down before going outside and accidentally flying my drone off into who knows where...
I tried using the goggles at first but inside such tight quarters, I get really disoriented with the goggles on not really sure which way I am looking since things are so erratic, so I have been flying inside without the goggles and on.
After getting my confidence up just a bit and feeling like I now have a little bit of control (still not very good) I did finally go outside and strap on the goggles and take my GEPRC TinyGO 4k FPV Drone Drone for a flight in the yard. There were some crashes but I did spend most of my time in the air with a hint of some control so I can say that things are progressing! I hope to be an ACRO Pro in no time LOL!