Posing 2 weeks out WC Iron Vancity Showdown 2020
Monday, September 28, 2020 at 9:23PM
Michael Kaye in Classic Physique, Conditioning, Mens Physique, Nutrition, Strength, Update, Vlog, WC Iron Vancity Showdown, YouTube Video

We are now 1 day less than 2 weeks out from the Westcoast Iron Vancity Showdown being held on October 11th here in New Westminster Canada. This past week again was really great and I stayed 100% on track with my diet and training.

Yet again the scale is not showing me what I want to see but more importantly I am liking what I am seeing in the mirror which is the more important of the two. According to my InBody H20 Scale I am only down about 1 pound and .5 of a body fat percentage but I should be down at least 2 pounds of fat and a full body fat percentage. These devices do have some margin for error so we will leave it at that. We will see what next weeks readings say...

I still have 2 more weeks to tighten things up even more and generally speaking this is when the magic happens, especially the last week when the diet gets really tuff and the fat and carbs almost disappear. Enjoy some posing and hopefully you can see some improvements week to week.

Article originally appeared on Get Fit Over 40 (http://www.getfitover40.com/).
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