Road to the WC Iron Vancity Showdown - Typical Day
Wednesday, September 23, 2020 at 11:37AM
Michael Kaye in Classic Physique, Conditioning, Mens Physique, Nutrition, Strength, Update, Vlog, WC Iron Vancity Showdown, YouTube Video

Some of you may wonder what a typical day looks like a few weeks out from a Fitness Contest, must not be all that bad especial when you work from home and have all kinds of time on your hands right ;)

Well it can be complicated getting everything accomplished considering everything that I need to factor in like dropping off and picking up kids from school, getting multiple daily walks in, allowing for a 1.5 hour workout, meal prep and eating and then there is a full work day I need to still get done or the bills won't get paid...

In this YouTube Video I go over a typical day for me three weeks out from the WC Iron Vancity Showdown.

Article originally appeared on Get Fit Over 40 (
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