Tips on How to Keep in Shape During Covid-19
Wednesday, December 9, 2020 at 1:32PM
Michael Kaye in YouTube Video

1. Don’t use Covid-19 as an excuse not to eat healthy and or get exercise.

2. Understand you will have some limitations, accept those limitations and move on.

3. Have realistic expectations. Depending on what you are able to do. You may have to scale things back a little bit but at least you will not be letting yourself regress much if at all.

4. Make a game plan, what your diet will look like and what your exercise will look like, try and stick to that game plan as much as possible. 

5. Use what you have on hand for workouts and exercise. It is more important to workout with intensity and to be consistent with your training over what equipment you are using.

6. You will have some setbacks, emotionally and physically. Get right back on with your game plan as soon as possible and don’t beat yourself up too much over any setbacks you have.

7. Get outside for walks often, rain or shine, dress for the conditions. This will be just as good for your mind as your body.

8. Create some sort of accountability with another person or persons that have similar goals. Touch base with them often to help motivate each other.

9. Try to keep positive, we are going through very troubling times and it is super easy to get drawn into everything emotionally. Remember what you still have, not what you may have lost. Focus on your future and what you can do to improve it.

10. You have the choice on how you get through all of this, how you will end up in the end, are you going to be stronger and in a better place both mentally and physically. Nobody else can do that for you other than yourself.

Article originally appeared on Get Fit Over 40 (
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