Follow Up - WC Iron Vancity Showdown
Wednesday, October 14, 2020 at 11:16AM
Michael Kaye in Classic Physique, Mens Physique, Update, Vlog, WC Iron Vancity Showdown, YouTube Video

Overall I would have to say this years Wescoat Iron Vancity Showdown was a win for me personally even though I may not have placed exactly where I wanted to. I always go into these shows with only one expectation. That is to come as prepared as I possibly can with a game plan in place and if I get on that stage having succeeded in my plan and showing up the way I wanted to then it is already a win for me.

This year that is exactly what happened, my prep went really well and I feel I was able to get in if not the best shape I have ever been in, then for sure as good as past shows where I nailed it. On top of that I had no injuries leading up to this show and no issues with my health. My body felt great and responded great to everything I threw at it including some pretty crazy amounts of carbs without having any negative effects like spilling over or bloating up after the show.

Perhaps I will make a another video on what the future holds for me since right now that is uncertain and I like to give things a bit of time before I make any plans moving forward...

Article originally appeared on Get Fit Over 40 (
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