Getting real close now to the Vancouver Pro Am and almost crunch time. Food is going to get very scarce and calories will be low. Carbs will be nonexistent :(
Workouts on the other hand will get a bit easier since all I will be going for is a good pump during this food deplecion time so as not to get any more injuries.
Speaking of injuries, they such and I still have that ever present shoulder pain that constantly reminds me but at least for now is not holding me back during training.
My hamstring is feeling better but I will take it easy on it for a while.
One last new piece of info. I have entered another model search that just happens to be a week before my show which makes for a great opportunity to do a practice run and get some of the stage bugs out. I know they are not going to pick my old ass but I will give it my 100% and enjoy all aspects of the show :)