I have officially made it to Peak Week for the Canadian Nationals and today was my last Leg day for training and will also be my last low carb and super low calorie day. Tomorrow I start to load back in my carbs which will bring the calories up a little but I will still be at a calorie deficit at least for tomorrow since I will be getting one more upper body weight training workout in. After tomorrow there will be no more workouts unless I feel I need to do a little bit of cardio to work off some of the high carb foods I will be eating.
I am not only excited about getting tot eat carbs tomorrow but also my body testing starting with the Bod Pod in the morning and the FIT3D later in the afternoon. I wonder what these test will show, hopefully all good and that my hard effort has paid off!
For the most part I am still feeling pretty good but I can say my has started to fight back a little bit today which is a good sign as it's telling me I am getting very close to pushing it as far as I can. Just in time for my carb reloading so I think I nailed it!