February 2015 Update - Inspire Fitness Leg Conversion Kit - New Fitness Contest Dates
Friday, February 13, 2015 at 12:34PM
Michael Kaye in Inspire Fitness FT2, Mens Physique, Product Review, Update, Victoria Cup, YouTube Video

This video covers some information about the Inspire Fitness Leg Conversion Kit which ties in their SCS Bench to their Leg Extension Accessory so you can attach the bench and leg add on to the FT2 weight stack using the cables.

The problem I am having in my area is my local Fitness Depot where I bought my Inspire FT2 has been out of the Inspire Bench and leg attachment. So what is a person to do? Improvise! I already a different brand of adjustable bench with leg attachment so I did some preliminary eye balling , grabbed my drill and added the Inspire Fitness Leg Conversion Kit to my already existing bench and leg attachment. I am sure that this is not what Inspire Fitness had in mind and if one was to do this, it would be at their own risk because not all of us are handy with tools and fabrication...

All in all my work was sound and everything works really well using my improvised setup!

My next point of discussing in this update video is a change in plan for my Men's Physic fitness contest prep. I was planning to attend the BC Body Building Championships here in Vancouver Canada as I am qualified from my last contest where I placed 1st :) The problem is a conflict of interest. The BC's are to be held on May 23rd which happens to be the same day of a close friends wedding of which I am a groomsman. Since I can not change either date, I had to pick the more important occasion and decided to go to the wedding. Such is life and we must adapt to what life gives us and make the best of it.

There is always next year for me to enter another BC qualified Men's Masters Physique Fitness Contest, but for this year I have decided I will most likely attend the Victoria Cup being held on August 15th in Victoria BC.

At least it gives me a bit more time to prepare, I did have plans on coming in with a bit more muscle this time and that takes a lot of work :)

Article originally appeared on Get Fit Over 40 (http://www.getfitover40.com/).
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