It's been a while since I went for a Deadlift PR, for the last while I've been working more on volume when doing deadlifting, sticking with a bit lower weight but doing tons of sets and reps. Today I wanted to see if this work method is equivolating into any strength gains and it seems it has.
Today's workout was a short warmup with our first working set being 225 pounds x10 reps, next we ramped up to 275 pounds x10 reps, this was followed by a third set at 325 pounds x10 reps, ending with our last all or nothing set at 407 pounds of which I managed to pull 15 reps. Keep in mind this is a little over double my body weight so I was really pleased with the results.
I generally struggle with getting the weight off the ground and usually finish the top part of the deadlift strong, but I now feel like things are evening out and my pull off the ground is much better.