Please keep in mind I am not a Powerlifter, powerlifting is part of the CrossFit workout program.
Yesterday was Deadlift Day at my CrossFit Langley Workout Gym and the program for the day was 5 sets of Deadlift reps adding weight to a max set of 5 reps, and this is how it worked out:
We did not plan the single rep of 403 pounds, but I felt good doing the 5 reps at 363 pounds and decided to go for it! By the way my workout partner Jeff also hit a Personal Best and got 403 pounds. Looking back at the video, I see I need to keep my back a bit straighter, got a bit lazy this time...
I'm not going to lie, I felt a little not in my back (lower right side) and I am feeling it today but it is just a very small muscle pull and other than a bit of discomfort I'm OK, I may even go to CrossFit tonight ;)
By the way we finished this strength Deadlift workout with a 13 minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) consisting of a rotation of 3 x 185 pound Deadlifts, 10 box step ups, and 5 pushups. I lost count but we did over 20 rounds…
I don't recommend going for Max Deadlift very often (As back injuries are not fun) but it is nice to see what one can do, now that I hit my goal of over 400 pounds I am content to lift sets for strength and may look at trying another Personal Best some time next year.